
Monday, January 19, 2015

20150120_Tue_Day 20: 1st day in December (Lunar Calendar)

According to Lunar Calendar, today is the first day of December. In other words, if time flies after a month from now, Chinese New Year is coming. Time flies, huh?

Well, as usual, I will go to the temple near the riverside to “bai bai”, and then will go to the library.

There were just a few peoples inside the temple when I reached there. I think it is due to the timing is not so right, as usually 1.30 pm people will go to makan or just rest at home. I personally prefer this scene as less people means I can pray and do things there more freely, besides no need to queue and wait for my turn to pray.

Usually I will try to get a note to forecast or predict my future for next two week. Well, today is my day, and I managed to get a good note or sign. The note was like this:


Based on the surface of the note, I can smell a good and lucky charm. The explanation was like this:

【你有如東海大的福祿,南山高的壽命,如此福壽俱全的命,還嘆什麼苦難呢?既然命中已有,自是大吉大利,只要多加祈禱,自然獲得平安。 這首籤詩,含有自足常樂的意思。 表示當事人福祿全有,就該自足,如果還做無謂的煩惱,則是自找的。】

After digested the note, I just want to say that I am very content with what I have now. I just hope that the announcement on posting will release as fast as possible. Anywhere is fine for me.

Well, just cross my fingers and hopefully everything will be alright.

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